Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday Break ups are stupid

I am not sure about the Northern Ladies but all southern girls know that timing is everything.
Especially in relationships.

For example you never break up with your man within 1 month of your birthday, valentines day or the mother of all mothers,  The Christmas / New Years double whammy combo.

The below is an adaption by me of what recently took place scrolling across my wall as 2 of my friends did a very public break up, which made all of their friends sit back in disbelief of how non intelligent they both look doing this.  Actually they are both smart but apparently when you break up and do it publicly you can't help but look like a MONDO COSTCO sized idiot.  It simply had to be re-enacted.

You are welcome.  Have a good Monday.



Beth said...

OMG - You can't make this stuff up. (BTW, I like the star. Not everyone can wear it but it works for her.)

Anonymous said...

BWWAAHHHAAA!!! Hilarious. Girl, you should be writing for Hollywood!!

Anonymous said...

AND! You are SO right about the timing. Southern girls know this from birth!
Like Ivana Trump said in First Wives Club.... "dont get mad. Get EVERYTHING"

Oilfield Trash said...

That is freaking hilarious.

ThePeachy1 said...

LOL- so glad you all liked it. when it was going across my facebook feed, I was thinking, wow that's pretty insane. It was like watching a train wreck, and then BAM, twist plot. I was laughing my ass off and thought, this could be a good movie.

BusyDad said...

This is too funny. I saw you tweeting about the break-up. You immortalized it well.