Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When you can use the F word.

In real life it has been said I may have a bit of a potty mouth.   So I thought who better to give you examples of when it is ok to say things like -  " THE F WORD "

Yes the above photos show you a simple guideline of when it is most definitely acceptable for anyone to use the F word in combination with a string of foul language and even after the fact like when speaking to the insurance adjuster.

But below-  below are examples of when you are definitely allowed to scream it at the top of your lungs!

Now, since I am effin sick, I will be in my effin bed with effin kleenex hoping some effin wonderful person will make me some effin matzo soup and make me effin better.

f this.



Anonymous said...

Yes... I think in all of these incidents,the F bomb is not only appropriate... its MANDATORY!!

Lin said...

Yep...I'd say it's totally acceptable to use the F-word under any of those cirucmstances lol.

R.W. Wells said...


Wait, is that appropriate?

Oilfield Trash said...

Great fucking post.

ThePeachy1 said...

As I take the last 2 swigs of nyquil within 40 miles of my house I have to say... " I effin LOVE you guys".. why is my Great Grandma wearing a velma outfit from scooby while knitting a condom? OMG maybe too much nyquil.. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Didactic Pirate said...

Love it. Particularly the golfers running from the bear. I'm just hearing them in my head:
"Fuck! BEAR!!!"

It helps that I hate golf, and the tendency for golfers to be douchebags in sweater vests.

patty punker said...


Anonymous said...

You just made me fucking snort.

Ella said...

Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.

My hearts all a flutter just looking at those.

ThePeachy1 said...

Yeah I feel really bad for the guy parachuting into the water with all those gators watching. I am hoping there is an airboat just out of frame or something otherwise that's just sad.

The Absence of Alternatives said...

I agree with a PP: FUCK YA! This is also a right moment to use the F word. :-)

ThePeachy1 said...

I have a boat ton of serious love and hots for each of you. You will be happy to hear ( I hope) I think I have survived the plague.