Friday, November 12, 2010

I aint a Waffle !

Hello you fruits it Freaking Friday and I am Flipping delighted. I mean really cause I just can't wait to be done with this week and charge on in to next week which according the calendar could actually suck harder than this week did.  SWEET  bring it on.

But this post, this post is not about me, it's about Miley.   My bloggy friend Miley who brings me laughs and smiles.  She even guest posted for me over on BeingPeachy  a couple days.   

She is juggling quite a few major life changes right now.  She opted to check out a new church.

I jokingly ( sort of) told her that it would either be in a cafatorium/gymateria  and that if they brought out snakes to run.  We got into a southern religion deep discussion and I made her a bet.

It was indeed in a cafatrorium,  I told her they would be required by law to either bring out snakes, or throw around some fire and Brimstone with the end is near speech or discuss how to be a dutiful women ( wife) because in most places you can't be a woman without being a wife that would just be so silly.

The bet was that she would go and at least one of these things would happen or I would write an entire post dedicated to how wonderful she was and glowing and beautiful and smart and yeah she says I lost so here's your post Miley ( she could be lying it's not like I am going to go to find out).

She has this running thing for her readers that if LSU wins she will post a picture of her boobs.  It's not that risqué her boobs are covered.  

But my dear sweet adventurous often confused always rambling adorable Miley has been sidetracked with even more real life Craptasticification and she wasn't able to post her LSU boobs.

So here.

 OH yeah  just in case you don't know me. Those are not my boobs, I am pretty darn sure they aren't Miley's either.   But it's boobs with LSU on them ( thank you photo shop).     So there.

This is me paying off on the lost bet.  A post about Miley and how awesome funny and amazing she is, so whatever I am super sure they had at least 1 snake in that cafatorium.  Damnit.

Love ya Miley.  I don't waffle on bets, even if you have to remind me.


While working on some other articles I came across this Purple and Gold Beauty and thought wow this has LSU written all over it..  

you are welcome...


Anonymous said...

Its okay for everyone to know Peachy... they are indeed MY boobies!

Tis true - I haven't seen my feet in years unless its in a photo.

Jennifer Juniper said...

Haha.. not Mileys boobs. But hers are almost that big, the lucky wench. (In case you couldn't tell, I have big boob envy).

Miley said...

omigosh, I posted a comment, I did a capcha, and... NADA!

It was in a cafetorium. There were no snakes, unless you count that guy that creeped me out.

Oh, and I love you mucho mucho much! I also love the LSU boobies - thanks for posting that for me!
No, they aren't mine - mine look better ;)

Laugh. It's Life in Progress said...

@ Holly HAHAHAH that's amazing! Nice rack

@ Jen - don't have envy... I have a rather nice set as well, and as you age they cause ISSUES... even more than just being in the damn way LOL

Peach - BEAUTIFUL post!

I want to know how many snakes, fire and damnation OR... how to be a "good" woman things were at this mass of insanity really... So spill Miley!

Miley said...

Awww, there were no snakes! I wasn't even told that I should be ashamed for being divorced! In fact, I went there last weekend and my future landlord told me that he'd beat anyone up if they said that crap to me.
I'd post a link to the sermon from that first sunday but I don't want y'all showing up. Cuz y'all would bring snakes.

Oilfield Trash said...

Finally some LSU boobs.

Miley's are nice don't get me wrong, but they are no where near those. Those are the kind that could make a woman fall over flat on her face. Wait with boobs that big her face would not get close to the ground, but you know what I mean.

Miley said...

OT, you may want to revise "Miley's are nice" with something to the effect of "Miley's are fan-freakin-tastic and WAY better than those, although not as large. it's QUALITY, not quantity"

BTW, I think that's my friend's boobs. Well, before the reduction.

Marie Nicole said...

Well, I know those bad boys aren't mine. Although I'm all natural I don't think the words "Nikki's boobs" and "envy" have EVER been associated. That's because people envy me for what's in my underwear! haha... I kill myself!

Oilfield Trash said...

Miley, I said yours are nice. I would not have dated you had your boobs not been nice as I don't date women with crappy boobs.

Miley said...

People are envious of my boobs.
At least JJ is.
OT - it's called joking ;)

Oilfield Trash said...

I know you are joking woman. All boobs are great.

Miley said...

You lie. I've heard you talk about pancake boobs when certain women lie down.
Oh, and I disagree b/c some chick I felt up did NOT have good boobs.

Oilfield Trash said...

Pancakes are bad.

And I am not capable of telling a lie as I have a penis.

ThePeachy1 said...

ahem. excuse me. I had the fall down the stairs due to huge perky boobs, I have traded them in for the cantaloupes in panty hose boobs and if I am not careful I can indeed trip over a boob. Also pancakes are delicious, you may not be properly buttering and applying the syrup. Having a penis doesn't make you honest it makes want boobs. That is all.

Oilfield Trash said...

Peachy, I was being *sarcastic* about the penis comment.

ThePeachy1 said...

I know that silly....all penis are funny...

Oilfield Trash said...

Ok I was just checking as sometimes my sarcasm is not apparent at times.

Miley said...

They are funny looking. Like a unicorn's horn under nuclear power.

Oilfield Trash said...

I am going to refrain on this topic since mine is not beautiful like a unicorn.

The Absence of Alternatives said...

Confession: I do not watch sports and am absolutely ignorant on college sports of all sorts. Being a foreigner, I had no idea what LSU meant for the longest time and thought it meant LSD... So... Even though I have corrected my own stupidity via googling, somehow these 2 pictures make me feel that my mistake has been justified...

ThePeachy1 said...

@ Oilfield Trash- beauty is in the eye of the penis holder.
@The Absence of Alternatives- I do not support LSU, however LSD wow, yeah I think the LSD is more likely the cause of the fancy man with the buckets celebration more so than a football game, or at least I can hope. Plus as you can tell by our grammar we aren't all pissy about 1 little letter, you can change the U to D if you like and we shall love you anyway.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt mind have a penis sometimes.. no peeing down your leg when trying to pee outside. No long lines at theater bathrooms.. being able to write my name in the snow without the use of a hoist, and crane. But balls? No.. that is where I draw the line. I dont want no floppy funsacks thumping my ass.. unless Im getting nailed.

ThePeachy1 said...

damn holly, good point again.

Brian Miller said...

i need to find out where he got that outfit...

Katie said...

Wondering how you got a picture of my husband...